See our FAQs below for common questions about the FabLab. If these FAQs fail to answer your questions, don’t hesitate to reach out using our online contact form.
A Fab Lab – short for fabrication lab, is a (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) idea designed to empower community members to learn, dream, design, and build their ideas.
Anyone – students, entrepreneurs, local businesses, museums, clubs.
- Only facility within a 30 mile radius.
- Contains equipment not likely to be in your garage!
- Supported and managed by Muskegon Community College.
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 1-7pm
Wednesday: 1-7pm
Thursday: 1-7pm
Friday: Trainings, Private Groups, By appointment
Saturday: 10am-2pm
Sunday: CLOSED
- 3D printing for all levels of complexity, from making a toy dinosaur to high temperature resistant engine part prototypes or various medical uses.
- Robotics – program machines or build your own.
- Laser etcher – engrave wood, glass, plastic, and more.
- Digital scanning – create 3D printed copies of objects.
- Plasma water table cutter – cut metal sheets.
- Large routing table – shape plastic and wood.
- Metal milling – traditional metal working applications.
- Vinyl printer – banners, decals, car wraps, window clings, and more.
- Hot press – t-shirts for clubs, family reunions, or team spirit.
Yes! After you pay for and take a certification class to learn how to use the equipment safely.
No, MCC students will help on a fee for service and time and material basis. This helps inventors (low cost and speed) and students (gain experience and skills).
- Make quick and inexpensive prototypes.
- Tap volunteer and faculty expertise.
- Write a business plan and launch their business.
- Manufacturing firms relieve bottlenecks or utilize capabilities on a cost effective basis (can’t afford their own).
- Medical companies/inventors – make prosthetics and design tools/equipment.
- Museums – scan and print pieces.
- Absolutely! This is a facility where parents and children work together.
- K – 12 Teachers – this is a great place for field trips supporting STEM based learning.
- College students – an excellent place to develop class projects from many disciplines.
- Families – projects such as design and 3D print a rose or build a robot.
- Summer tech programs and learners.
- Clubs – such as 4 H’s Tech Wizards, 1st Robotic clubs, My Brother’s Keeper – a great meeting place with storage.
- Community based organizations such as Big Brothers/Sisters.
- Entrepreneur store. Sell your products or services on consignment!
- Access to worldwide Fab Lab network.
- Entrepreneur training – MCC degree via the Rooks/Sarnicola Entrepreneur Institute.
- Speakers and seminars about creating ideas, designing products, and more.
- Annual Memberships.
- Time and materials.
- Classes – training and project.
- Student fees and consulting if used.